ABOUT Alliance Carbon Australia (ACA)

Alliance Carbon Australia (ACA) is an innovative and dynamic start-up, founded by internationally renowned researchers and scientists that offers specialised equipment for the conversion of waste biomass (mostly wood waste) to agriculture organic products such as fertiliser and pesticide, in the process capturing carbon that would otherwise end up in the atmosphere.

For the last 4 years, The Founders of ACA has designed an innovative solution to recycle wood waste. a group of highly experienced and determined scientists from around the world designed a biochar production apparatus (ACA-21) with many unique features.

The ACA-21 is a portable biomass pyroliser that can revolutionise wood waste management.

  • Products are created that can be used in agriculture and forest regeneration.
  • Carbon emissions are radically reduced by turning the waste into biochar.
  • Portability means that waste can be managed in any location, without transport.

This portable, industrial scale pyroliser converts wood waste to biochar, wood tar and wood vinegar; in this process, it removes many tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
It has been registered internationally in World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO – PCT)

  • In ACA, we believe that preserving the environment, conserving forests, and keeping the air clean are part of everyone’s national responsibility



One of the advantages of this organic method is the acceleration of the process of making organic carbon fertilizer, faster conversion and finally elimination of fungi in wood waste. By injecting this fertilizer into the soil and feeding the plant from it, the ground for revitalization, fertility and development of agricultural lands and the needs of the country’s livestock industry will be Provided for industrial villages and cities.

wood vineger


Wood vinegar, also known as wood acid or pyroglinic acid, is a brown, cloudy, or clear liquid obtained by the process of proliferation. Wood vinegar is composed of 200 different compounds, all of which are organic and completely harmless. The use of wood vinegar as an additive in animal feed, increases the quality and improves the taste of meat, wood vinegar is also a regulator of the animal’s digestive system. Wood vinegar is a completely organic and harmless toxin, so the natural content and price Suitable for it, it is a good alternative to pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

wood tar


Tar is a dark brown or black liquid, with a heavy, thick, oil-like consistency. This dark, viscous liquid is obtained by the chemical process of intensely heating organic material in the presence of very limited air (oxygen), This process is known as destructive distillation, during which large molecules are broken up or cracked. Wood tar is formed by high temperature carbonization of wood in anoxic conditions (dry distilling) causing tar to drip away from the wood.



In agriculture, biochar is mainly used to increase crop nutrition, plant growth, and soil fertility. It consequently increases farming productivity as a whole. Additionally, it will enable agriculture to use less water and improve plant growth. Application of biochar to agricultural soils has demonstrated to significantly alter the interaction between plants and soil and primarily result in a quantitative increase in agricultural output through physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms.

Environmental sustainability

By converting the carbon in biomass into stable carbon structures in biochar, which can remain stored in soil for hundreds or even thousands of years, sustainable biochar systems can be carbon negative. As a result, there is a net reduction in atmospheric CO2. Producing biochar actually lowers atmospheric CO2 because it converts a naturally occurring organic matter decaying process that would otherwise be carbon-neutral into a carbon-negative process.


Feeding Livestock

Numerous studies have been conducted to lower the cost and raise the standard of livestock feeding. It has been demonstrated that adding biochar to the diets of livestock has a number of positive effects, including improved animal health, increased nutrient intake effectiveness, and increased productivity. Animals gain weight more quickly when biochar is added to their diet, which increases feed efficiency.



Pollutant removal is improved by biochar, which also serves as a soil amendment, adsorbent, redox control agent, and nutritional supplement. Under various circumstances, biochar can improve its capacity for decontamination and for the removal of pollutants.



Improved soil quality and the possibility of carbon trading for the most stable forms are two advantages that carbon-rich soil amendments like biochar provide to horticulture. One of the key characteristics of biochar is its capacity to retain soil nutrients. By adding it to soils, it can increase soil fertility, sequester carbon, and improve soil health. However, there is a need to determine the best way to apply biochar to increase crop yields.