Wood Vinegar
Wood vinegar or liquid smoke, which is also referred to as wood acid or pyroglinous acid, is a brown, cloudy, or transparent liquid that is obtained from the process of prolysis. The level of quality and efficiency of this product is directly dependent on the precise control of temperature and time in this process, as well as taking into account the consumables and the dosage and concentration of wood vinegar relative to the soil or plant where this product is to be used.​

This fragrant substance has a low pH (about 3), while the amount of organic matter in it reaches 8%, which, in addition, has a high percolation power. Wood vinegar consists of 200 different compounds, all of which are organic and completely harmless. The main components of wood vinegar are:

  • Water
  • Methanol
  • acetic acid
  • ketone
  • Ethyl valerate (ester)

The most important organic compound in wood vinegar is acetic acid, which makes up 3-7% of it and 50–70% of its organic matter. The various compounds in this product make it effective for organic use for various purposes, bringing extraordinary results.


Have you ever heard of biochar?

For most home gardeners, this term is probably brand new. In short, biochar is a charcoal compound that is added to soil to make it more fertile, and It has a long and complicated history of use in indigenous agriculture throughout West Africa and the Amazon rainforest, with incredible results that have been observed even to this day. This ancient method of agriculture can simultaneously increase yield and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Biochar
But what does this have to do with your garden? You may not run a high-yielding farm or attempt to sequester carbon. But biochar has many benefits for the soil in your yard or garden and can significantly increase its fertility. If your house is built on infertile land, the growth of your crops will be disappointing, but biochar can help restore poor soil and increase harvest and yield in your vegetable garden.